Our Beliefs

Wesleyans believe in one God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the Savior of all who put their faith in Him alone for eternal life. We believe that those who are made new in Christ are called to be holy in character and conduct, and can only live this way by being filled with the Lord's Spirit. We believe in the Bible and its sufficiency to establish our faith and conduct. We believe God wills for people everywhere to know Him and be made new in Christ. We believe that the purpose of the Church is to worship God in spirit and in truth, and to reach a lost and fallen world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through its worship, witness, and loving deeds.

Read more about our beliefs on wesleyan.org...

Vision Statement

How We Relate to God

God is the source, the means, and the reason for all that we are and do as individuals and as a church body.

As the source, God makes Himself known to us, and all that we seek to be and do is revealed to us by Him.

As the means, God reveals our broken condition, apart from Him, and our need for transformation. God provides this transformation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, forgiving and delivering us. His grace and power are released in us through the Holy Spirit. Our response to this transforming grace is trusting completely, obeying faithfully, and developing a genuine relationship with Him by accepting the gift of His Son, reading His Word, the Bible, and praying to and worshipping Him.

As the reason, all that we are and do is for God's glory. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing else.

God's transforming grace is evident in how we relate to our church, our community, and the world.

How We Relate Within Our Church

We accept one another and challenge each other to experience God's transformation, increasing our love for Him and each other. We develop deep relationships in our church family by loving, caring, forgiving and sharing our lives together in the grace of God. We encourage everyone to develop and use their God-given gifts and resources for God's glory through the ministries of our church. We are relevant to our ever-changing culture with sensitivity to all generations and all levels of spiritual maturity.

Though we are people from diverse social, economic, political, and ethnic cultures, we are unified by our commitment to God and unite to glorify Him as His people, ministering to a world in need.

How We Relate to Our Community

We are a highly visible church by maintaining an active presence in our community. We seek opportunities to share the love of Christ in real and tangible ways. We care deeply about meeting practical needs, but ultimately we seek transformation. We minister to the whole person with intentionality to bring others into a relationship with God. We share Christ by being like Him—accepting, compassionate, non-judgmental, and committed to the truth—as we intentionally build relationships with people of all walks of life.

How We Relate to the World

We engage the world with God's transforming grace. We establish communities of godly people which are self-sustaining and growing spiritually and economically. Our stewardship extends beyond direct care for people by transforming the environments in which they live. We inform, train, and prepare people for short and long term global ministries by praying, supporting, sending and participating. We establish strategic partnerships in ministry with the Wesleyan Church and other select entities, which support our global ministry strategies, pooling our resources to improve our effectiveness.



All are welcome to participate in the life of our church whether they are a formal member or not. Membership is open to those who are believers in Jesus Christ and have been baptized into the Christian faith. Becoming a member represents a commitment to discipleship within this local church, united by common worship and a common vision for ministry. We reaffirm our membership each year as an indication of our continuing desire to grow together as followers of Christ through the ministries of Spooner Wesleyan. Membership classes are offered at least once a year. If you would like to become a member, please talk to one of the pastors.

Read more about Membership on wesleyan.org...